/Piles and piles of chocolate from my muse to yours!/

Yum! Much needed! My muse is trying to juggle way too much right now and needs all the chocolatey goodness she can get.

Wow. Only Lois would think first about an investigation over learning more about the true Clark. Yet, I can understand that. It's safe ground. Work. Something that they both can agree on. /That there's a big huge jerk with access to nuclear plant and willing to harm innocent people to get at Superman. Mayson? JK./ Maybe I'm a bit miffed at her for not visiting her friend at death's door at the hospital. Then again, she knew she was a 3rd wheel and she did call Lois (even if Lois didn't answer). I guess Mayson knew that she wasn't wanted, or needed, by Lois... and that as Clark's significant other, Lois's needed trumped Mayson (as a friend) at that time.

Exactly. It's safe and comfortable territory while she figures out how she wants to handle things. Far less scary than having to face the Superman lies!

Mayson - it's a combo. She knows she's a 3rd wheel and not needed, but she does want to know what's going on. But mostly, her job kept her busy during visiting hours. wink

I'm glad that Clark's illness is over and they can finally talk, just the two of them... without pretense (as they had to maintain in the hospital.) Have I mentioned what great folks Martha and Jonathan are?

M&J are awesome. Gotta love those two.

I do find it a little odd that Clark kept the glasses on and didn't explain the reason Clark wears them, when Lois asked him to remove him. I guess a part of that has to do with his ego still wondering if she prefers Superman to Clark. /hits said ego with a Kryptonite stick/ I'm glad Lois told him that she didn't want him to stop helping people as Superman. I do believe that's where Lana (in alt-dimension) got into trouble with Alt-Clark. She wanted him to be someone he wasn't, because she wanted it.

At this point, the "why" feels irrelevant to him. Making Lois comfortable with him is paramount. It really has nothing to do with knowing which part of him she loves - he's got his answer, after all. She proposed and stuck by him amid a LOT coming at her - the illness, his lies, Mayson, etc. Alt-Lana definitely got in trouble with Alt-Clark by trying to force him to be something he wasn't. At least, in my opinion. Her steam-roller personality didn't help either.

So, who is the big baddy who's blowing up nuclear plants to make Superman sick? Can they introduce him (her) to Mayson? So she can throw a library of books at him/her. That is, if the baddy is local. I doubt she's versed in international superhero law. How does one stop someone who has the ability to incapacitate Superman?

Baddy/Baddies briefly mentioned in the forthcoming chapter!

A part of me wanted Lois to kiss Clark when he stopped by her apartment the morning after he recovered, but I know -- as a writer -- you were withholding the kiss until she kissed him goodbye, right?

Never fear. I have WAFFs planned. laugh

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon