So glad to see another chapter post smile...

I'm happy that both Mayson and Lois were able to see Clark, and that Lois and Clark were able to talk a little bit. Even though Lois is still hurt and mad (which I totally think she has a right to be, considering they were months in to a committed relationship and Clark still hadn't been honest with her...), I'm glad that her priorities are in the right place, and she realizes that Clark's health is the most important thing, and that they will come out of this stronger together.

Really good friends are such an asset, and they don't come around all the time. I'm glad that the three of them realize that they are linked by some huge information, they can depend on each other, and also, that they are lucky to have the friendships that are there or developing with each other.

Looking forward to more smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~