I saw the movie a second time yesterday. I noticed a few things I hadn't seen the first time, such as:

1. Jenny doing a double take when Perry is chewing Clark out about his interest in Batman and telling him that no one cares about Clark Kent vs. Batman. I think Jenny knows that CK=SM.

2. The dirt on Clark's coffin starting to levitate. Those of us familiar with the Death of Superman storyline know what the outcome is, but it's a clue for those who aren't familiar with the story.

A couple of students were discussing the movie this morning. The boy said he'd heard it was bad, and he didn't plan on seeing it. The girl thought it was awesome, and went "See?!" when I agreed with her.

She also said she cried at the end, so I'm thinking she's not familiar with the original storyline. Something tells me I need to add the collected editions of The Death of Superman to the library collection.

One thing that I find odd is that there doesn't seem to be any novelization of the film -- not an adult novel, not a junior novel, and not a comic book adaptation. I checked Amazon, but there just doesn't seem to be one.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland