Laura: Oh, good, I didn't scare you off. Phew! wink

Great chapter
Why, thank you. [Linked Image]

I really enjoyed their conversation at Clark's apartment. How there has been some distance, they haven't been the friends that they once were, but yet--even with a fiance--Lois still is drawn completely to Clark. Wants to talk to Clark. Feels most comfortable with Clark.
Lex has unknowingly (unwittingly) rejected her in her hour of need and she has no one else she can turn to but the one person who has agreed to help her.

You did a fantastic job, Viriginia, of maneuvering through the conversation notworthy. Giving us bits of all that is really going on right now between them--their distance, while at the same time, their closeness. Along with the stress that Lois is under--from the photos, but also, from her new job, her loneliness, and her fiancé. Then Clark...loving Lois, of walking that line of wanting to knock some sense into her, but also of not wanting to make decisions for her. And you did all this with a healthy dose of chemistry added to the mix smile.
Thank you. blush

Some of my favorite lines:
hyper I mean, well, if you insist. [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by LMA
Originally Posted by BtP
He didn’t like small talk, anyway.
LOL--that last line, Clark's thought, was priceless lol.
Clark's more sarcastic in his head.

How great of an answer was this? Gotta love Clark
That's why we all keep coming back, because he's so wonderful.

Ha! Hilarious...and really like the friendship here between them
Yes, and also the pain. She's leaving him and their friendship for this other man who is so unworthy of her.

Awesome job notworthy!
I just love reading your comments. It's like you know exactly what to say to drag my muse back from her extended vacation. Thank you.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.