Are you sure your FDK isn't longer than this part?
[Linked Image]

Wild? Um... okay.
There’s a Clark, a Lois, and nude photographs involved. huh

LOIS: What is he whining about? He hit a homer with Linda.
PAUL: Yeah, but there was no challenge. Anyone could do a homer with her and she doesn’t put that much effort into the game.

Sometimes it's the obvious that slip right past us.
LOIS: That never happens to me!

Plus, Clark was kind of distracted by the semi-naked photos of Lois.
CLARK: I was not!
LOIS: You weren't?
CLARK: /thinks that either answer will terminate the of El-line for good/

What? He basically said ‘maybe.’ Jack’s chances are 50/50. Sometimes, that 50% loses.
You mean like with a trick coin?

LEX: He’s so cute. Just like a puppy that Lois CANNOT have.
LOIS: Good doggie! Good! Now, go and do some more business in Lex’s *other* shoe.

So, Lois can’t act cute?
No, she can. I’m just not sure Clark is ready for it.

BLACKMAILER: It’s strange, but ever since I sent those photos to Lois, Superman has stopped working. Interesting.
Wouldn’t it be fun if Lex was the blackmailer?

No, I’m sure he comes up with “contests” that ensure people deposit more of their money and have little return.

So, Kyle Griffin and Bill Church, Jr?
That’s actually a pretty narrow list.
Well…you *were* pretty specific.

I didn’t know Lane was short for Lannister.
LOIS: Did you never notice that my mother had blonde hair?

Actually, that amount of heat might damage other things as well.
JIMMY: My camera! /has gotten quite the sunburn/
LOIS: But just to be sure…it *would* get rid of the photographs, yes?

LEX: /wave/
Just Lex?
Well… [Linked Image] was more of a sleezeball, her Irish ex was a delusional psychopath.
PATRICK: Hey! The mask *worked*! I was *not* delusional.
That shrink wasn’t out for personal gain, more like, *very personal* gain, and yeah…that’s it? Who am I missing?

Perhaps he can’t believe modest Lois would bare it all for a man she didn’t sleep with.
He’s in good company.
CLARK: So she *did* sleep with him.
LOIS: I never slept with him!
LUCY: And since I never fall asleep at my boyfriend’s place, I can’t get pregnant, either!
CLARK: dizzy They may call up bumpkins, but at least when growing up on a farm, we know about…things.

LOIS: Phishaw. Those are of Clark.
Same mole, huh?

Because Lois NEVER lies.
LOIS: Being creative with the truth isn’t lying.

LOIS: Oscar winners are professionals. Yep, you heard me!

CLARK: They’d forget in a week or fifteen.
MARTHA: Go wash that lying mouth out with soap, Clark! And GO help that woman!
CLARK: *Fine!* But can I at least keep the photos when I find them?

RALPH: I don’t know what they’re talking about. I’ve NEVER looked Lois in the eye. They say that’s when wild beasts attack.
rotflol So, dead either way?

SUPERMAN: I make this look good.
LOIS: I want proof!

LOIS: I haven’t kissed Lex.
LOIS: He kissed *me*. On the cheek. When I can’t run away fast enough.

ER: But he did do that. Kind of.
EW: Not in this story.

LOIS: So, Superman wants to skip relationship for a full on illicit affair. I can accept those terms.
CLARK: I didn’t… er… HE didn’t say that!

So, in this way, Lex is just like Lois.
LOIS: sick
Ooooh! Clark’s in love with Lex clap

ER: Oh, look! She found his off-switch
EW: I thought it was ‘on’. It’s why his mind went blank.

ER: Well…if she put out *before* the marriage, he’d have no incentive to marry her.
LOIS: No! Michael. That’s not nice.
LEX: And so *untrue*! If I didn’t marry her, she’d still be available for Superman.
CLARK: So you’re not loving Lex and you don’t find his company all that pleasant but you’re also claiming to not be marrying him for his money, so… confused

Nope. In this story, Lois accepted Lex before Clark could pour out his heart on the park bench.
Oh. Yeah…that kind of got lost…

CLARK: You say that like it’s a bad thing.
LOIS: help peep

But he will keep lying to her about his identity until the kids fly out of the nest. Literally.
LOIS: Don’t be ridiculous. Why would we live in a nest?
CLARK: /is even more literal than I would have guessed/

No, Lois always wants to investigate.
Like whether Clark is wearing boxers or briefs?

I know it's been a while, but that's what I usually write at the end of parts. Would you rather have ‘BTC’?
rotflol And a link to the next part would be much appreciated hyper

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.