Thank you for giving a chance to this strange story.
Not so strange. Just a powerful Lois on some equally powerful meds.

Umm… January? /worries about the delay between parts as a pattern with EW's other stories/ But now there’s a part 4, too /but EW DID finish it!!!/
laugh That was actually about my own tardiness laugh But yeah, the delay is…um…/gets distracted by photos of Lois popping up all over the tabloids/

On an unrelated note, George RR Martin just announced that he won't be finishing his next book by Season 6 of Game of Thrones and while summer is mathematically possible, my earliest expectation is winter 2016. That makes it over 5 years since the last update. So, no worries there about Wrong Clark laugh

(my muse can be a bit of a perfectionist snob.)
Which would explain why each and every thread in your stories is accounted for and properly woven into the tapestry?

Except that the beam of white light blowing things up would be pointed at HER, not Ralph.
LOIS: Hmm…normally, I would now have Clark take a step forward to investigate…

UW: Heeeellllloooo! I'm not Kryptonian! This stuff won't.... Hey, got to fly. Someone just took out a batch of chocolate in Switzerland!
CLARK: She got a great sense of smell. Otherwise, she seems fine to me.

Another reason Darth Michael needs to be considered for the job as a script consultant in Hollywood.
blush Yeah, but we’d also be deprived of 24h gene tests, computer hacking that looks like a video game, and exploding cars — when there is no actual bomb involved. And the aliens from Independency Day would now be sitting on top of the crater that one was Lex Tower.

/like JarJar?/
UW: Have I just been thoroughly insulted?
EW: /thinks so/
peep /this wall seems sturdy/

ER: /CK makes a move on Lois without approval/
LOIS: What? Rule 66.

She's new.
SM: Wait. I could've asked for a massage?
LOIS: /can’t believe the superhero doesn’t know his job comes with benefits/ Duh!
MAYSON: I *tried* giving Clark benefits!

I hear that heat-vision is good for melting the competition, trace free.
CLARK: [Linked Image]
LOIS: Have you seen Daniel lately?
CLARK: [Linked Image]

DAILY PLANET OBITs PAGE: Leo Nunk, a reporter for the National Whisper newspaper, was found dead of an apparent suicide in his apartment yesterday afternoon. […]
EW: Sorry, what were we talking about?
laugh Also…/points at Zed’s Order/

See? They don’t need an oil platform in this universe.
Huh. What do oil platforms have to do with UW taking a dip in the Gulf of Mexico?
She was pretty soiled and washed all that dirt into the Gulf. And wasn’t Deep Water Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico?

ER: Couldn’t she have used her heatvision to make the gulf a toasty temperature?
EW: Yes, but not exactly environmentally sound.
LEX: So?

soak in a hot tub.

With Clark.
EW: Really? Shocked?
Yeah, well, she’d be naked and they haven’t given any indication that…well…

ER: /hoping for another mud-wrestling fic/
Nope. Didn't go there.
rotflol I only made 1 comment once. One!

Could have been worse. Could have been I'm So Excited.
EW: lol That's a good song.
Yes, but Ultra Woman singing it in *that* dive?

And a Part 3, and a Part 4.
And already FDK’d, too smile1

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.