Hey Virginia wave

I've been wanting to read this all day--but just getting to it now, after everyone is asleep in our house grin.

Agree with Lady Loisette--"Ultra Woman" is a favorite of mine, too. Lois and Clark learn so much about each other in this episode. I've always thought it was such a great idea of the writers, to have them switch their powers, walk in the other's shoes. It puts everything into such a great perspective for the other.

And switching their powers was such a fitting event to have happen right before officially becoming engaged--IMO, it totally cemented that they were ready for 'forever' together wink.

Really looking forward to the story and seeing where you take us. Great start! clap hyper


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~