Hope things settle down for you soon, Sue - glad to hear that the next part is coming! I have class on Thursday evenings, so reading a new part of your story is like my treat for making it through each class!

After I posted the last part, I kind of lost heart for a few days. It's nerve wracking to see a part racking up over 150 hits and yet no one says a word.

I get where you are coming from - I haven't posted a story part in forever, but I remember that it is quite nerve-wracking. And of course, back in the day when I was writing a little, we didn't have the counter where you could see the views. I will tell you that 4 or 5 (or 15, haha) are probably just mine because I will often read a story part several times before commenting. And then I might read it again in the days after I post, just to keep it fresh in my mind for when the new part arrives.

Speaking of which... let's hope that's soon! smile

Tracey smile