Hey wave...

RL has been oh so crazy busy over the last couple of days--then throw in our internet being down part of the weekend--and you get me now finally getting some much-anticipated time to revel in the story hyper...

And revel I did clap.

I really enjoyed this chapter. There was something oh-so-wonderful about having Clark this close to Lois, exactly when she is thinking he's all the way over in Hawaii. The unaware proximity--it's such a fun part about the love triangle that is Lois and Clark.

What would it be like to have Superman grab her like Clark had and take charge? What would it be like to have Clark do that again -- only this time he actually meant it? Lois shook her head and told herself that time, distance, and late-night nostalgia were scrambling her memory and Clark's kiss hadn't been nearly as thrilling as she was making it out to be.

I loved this. How she's thinking about Superman...but the thoughts, the dreams, head straight on over to Clark. Yep, being snuggled into Clark's bed is definitely having a wonderful effect on Lois grin.

Her arms wrapped around the pillow next to her and she buried her face in it, inhaling the comforting scent of Clark that lingered there. If he offered again tomorrow night to come home, she wasn't going to dissuade him.

Awwww...WAFF clap. First, Lois, drawing comfort from Clark any way that she can. And second--preplanning tomorrow night's phone call. love.

The first thing Lois did was clean up the glass and blood outside Clark's front door. It had taken a lot of scrubbing to get the blood to come off the brickwork, and there was still the faint suggestion of a handprint if you looked closely enough.

Foreshadowing for Lex a 'clue' that something's up at Clark's apartment? eek sad

Lois considered the shirt. She'd already worn one of Clark's shirts, so it couldn't be the novelty of the experience that made it feel so illicit. Maybe it was the recollection of Clark's reaction, the husky pitch of his voice as he'd teased her that was now driving her pulse faster. Quickly, before she lost her nerve, she grabbed the dress shirt and slipped it on. It smelled like Clark and made her wish for the umpteenth time that he was here. Clark would have been a lot more useful in wrangling Superman down the stairs and onto the bed. She knotted the bottom of the shirt, tying it at her waist so that it didn't drown her, and rolled up the sleeves.

Oh-so-much enjoyed this paragraph. The thought process. I can really see Lois going through these thoughts in her mind. Debating. Do I put on the shirt? And then, going for it (and the awesome bonus being Clark does get to see her in it thumbsup--whether she knows it or not! )

There was another moment of silence, and then the screaming started. Clark let go of Chip's arm and sprinted for the stairwell. All around him the building had begun to groan and creak ominously.

There Lex goes...blowing up the Daily Planet razz. Tisk, Tisk, Tisk.


Oh--favorite written line (that I've read in quite some time--had me LOL'ing) :

"I'm guessing his bed never sees this much action."

HA! I absolutely LOVE this! rotflol. I can just see the shocked/amused look on Clark's face as he takes in what Lois just said. notworthy

Last edited by LMA; 09/28/15 06:16 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~