Yikes, it's been crazy the past couple of weeks. frown First I desperately need to thank everyone for their kind words. sloppy

Michael - Sometimes it's almost like you've been reading ahead! Sort of. Case in point:

I guess it would have been easier to fall asleep if Clark had been there. Some exhaustive nookie first, then she’d be exhausted and happy and sleepy.

Aww…she just called him…not smart.
LOL! I didn't think of it that way. If it's true, she's also flat-out stating that she doesn't have a heart. She's thinking she's the cool logic (in her own mind) and he's the touchy-feely one. We know that's not really true, because Lois does a lot of acting on emotion instead of rationality. But you try and convince Lois of that. wink

That’s still the shirt she slept in? Not her work outfit, right? Which means she’s topless in the bathroom and Superman’s right next door…
Most definitely NOT the shirt of Clark's that she slept in. She's dressed in her own clothes again and leaving for work.

He does realize that she’s doing the boss, right?
Lois would take great exception to you characterizing it that way! razz

Tracey - Thanks! It always tickles me that you notice the little details. laugh

Really liked seeing her take care of Superman, but now I just want her to *know*. I was waiting for the penny to drop as she looked at Superman, when she was noticing he looked younger and more vunerable... and I was just like, Look, Lois, really look! Wonder if she ever will?
Hmm. I wonder. wink

Annalina - Hi! wave Welcome back! I'm pleased to have hooked you. smile

Morgana, mozartmaid, Elizabeth, and HiddenMoon - It's coming! I had it "done," but then I started to tinker with it. After I posted the last part, I kind of lost heart for a few days. It's nerve wracking to see a part racking up over 150 hits and yet no one says a word. eek So I sort of freaked out and started tweaking and just made a HUGE mess of it. Susan talked me off the ledge, but I'm still trying to smooth out the edges. I should have it palatable by the weekend. Things in RL have been on the hectic side, but I've been getting up early and/or staying up late to work on it. smile

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis