Can I qualify as being 'fashionably late' peep ... So sorry sloppy.

How 'bout I make my tardiness up with long-winded FDK hyper ?

What I loved about this section, what really stood out to me the most, was how distinct of a feel you managed to create--two totally different emotions, but residing so closely together. Your ability to make us livid at a sociopathic business man, but also, ecstatically ride that road to love with two close friends.

Creepy--in such a smart-minded, methodically planned, pure evil sort of way--in all regards to Lex. 'Stalking' has taken on a whole new form--it's now pictured with limos and three piece suits! This, in so many ways, seems worse than bombing the Planet and blaming it all on Jack--and THAT is really saying something regarding Lex notworthy.

But at the very same time...the phone conversaton between Lois and Clark. How you could create such intimacy. Friendship--and it's that perfect type of friendship...where you can tease, joke, but be youself, be totally safe. I could almost feel the comfort--like a warm blanket draped over me (and maybe a hot cocoa, to boot, for Lois' sake grin ). You dream about that type of friendship. In life, and ideally, with your soulmate.

"Greetings from Hawaii." Clark didn't sound all that excited.

"Hawaii? I thought you were in Florida." Lois sat down on the edge of her bed as relief flooded through her. She didn't care if he was calling from Hawaii or Havana; she was just happy to hear from him.

"Yesterday afternoon I was informed that my flight was leaving in two hours. So now I'm in Hawaii."

"Are you really working? Or just on an extended vacation?"

"I'm supposed to be covering a surfing contest tomorrow. Really, I'm starting to wonder if the next stop will be Siberia."

Lois giggled, and Clark added, "You're laughing? I'm serious."

"I know; that's why I'm laughing. Lex wouldn't really send you to Siberia. I'm thinking he'd find something in North Korea for you instead."

'Greeting from Hawaii'--that line...and while picturing 'the look' that I'm sure Clark has on his face. Said in 'that tone' that Clark has when he's not all too thrilled about something. clap lol clap. How easy to picture! How enjoyably funny smile. Love this. And then all of that quality banter. Clark's 'You're laughing? I'm serious.' totally is icing on the cake.

"I miss you," she whispered.


"I'll miss you," she corrected. "After you've been hauled off to a re-education camp, I'll miss you."

"I'm sure that will be a great solace to me, in the event."

Sweet, sweet WAFF grin. He heard. Totally. Did her 'save' actually save her admission though? Hoping he didn't buy it wink.

When Clark didn't answer immediately Lois blushed as she added, "That was a rhetorical question, by the way. I can't even joke around with him, much less, uh, think about him in that way. The thing is, we have all these high-minded discussions, but we never really talk. The idea of spending the entire weekend with him is exhausting. I'd feel like I always had to be on my best behavior, you know? I can't imagine casually hanging out with Lex. I can't even picture him wearing anything other than an expensive suit. He's not a shorts and t-shirt kind of guy."

Thank you, Lois, for perfectly summing up just why you shouldn't EVER entertain the idea of spending (ie--wasting) any more of your time with Lex. You aren't comfortable with him. And, just for kicks, think about who you are telling all of this to? None other than your adorable partner/best friend. Hmmm.

"Okay, what about the blonde over on the foreign desk? Denise? Danielle?"

"Darlene works on the foreign desk, and you only get one guess a day, Lois."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"Fine. But I didn't talk to you yesterday, so I get a guess for then, too. Darlene."

"It's not Darlene."

rotflol Poor Darlene. I love how Lois doesn't concern herself with the 'competition' enough to even know the blonde's name...but yet, ironically, sees her as competition concerning Clark. (And, it was totally fitting that Clark would know her name, spot on, not even question it).

Several seconds passed as she waited to hear the click, but there wasn't one. She couldn't hear breathing, so she cautiously asked, "Clark?"


"Aren't you going to hang up?"

"You first."

Her throat tightened. Everything in her didn't want to cut the tenuous tie between them.

Love. This is such a sweetly honest moment. That gut instinct, not wanting to loose the connection to Clark. And, I'm sure, Clark was on the other end, feeling exactly the same way.

What a treat, Sue.

Scurrying over to Part 4 wave. Gotta go. Bye!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~