
Thank you. Sometimes when offering help it's not in the form someone needs or can accept. I like to think it helped Lois eventually.

Deadly Chakram:

The complexity grew with the story. I'm glad it came across.

Whether or not she knows Clark is a great question, and one that is left up to the Reader to decide.



Thank you. The parallels were so much fun once I saw Mary Frances as similar to Clark. Both started out just wanting to help and took on roles that people looked up to in ways they didn't expect. Both needed privacy to continue those roles, and it made sense that drinking tea would be one thing they'd share.

I agree that scene was silly and dangerous to have any kind of a discussion like that in public between Lois and Superman. We can be glad it wasn't real life as they would likely have been overheard by the wrong person(s), and maybe even videotaped.


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly