Lynn S.M.:
Thank you.

My favourite line was:
Mary Frances promised to help Lois see how imperfection was not the same as failure. Sadly, she knew that lesson was not complete when class ended.
So true!
Yes, and sad for Lois.

I wanted to show how sometimes ordinary people also need to escape the fishbowl they live in.


Annie B.:

Love it! And the principal of my elementary school was named Sister Mary Frances.

What a delightful coincidence! I love it! I'm delighted you loved the story. Thanks!


I immediately recognized the setting and the character, and the ridiculous spat that Lois and Superman were having in front of so many people, as if no one would overhear them.

I agree it was a ridiculous place to have an argument. Bystanders, first responders, reporters all potentially were there ready to collect tidbits from their spat.

Making this nun a witness to the bus incident from the pilot was a great twist and perfect for the challenge. It makes sense that people who have lived in Metropolis for years would run into Superman on multiple occasions and be able to connect pieces of information that reveal his secret.

It made sense to me, too. I also thought Mary Frances seeing Clark stopping the bus and Superman having an argument/spat/discussion with Lois showed both Clark doing something super and Superman doing something not super.

Glad you enjoyed my story. It's thanks to you and VirginiaR creating this challenge that this story exists.


"Honey, we didn't care if you were a Russian or a Martian... You were ours... and we weren't giving you to anybody." ~ Martha in Strange Visitor

"A love that risks nothing is worth nothing." ~ Jonathan in Big Girls Don't Fly