Originally Posted by groobie
/groobie's eyes slide warily towards the author's name again. eek

Yes, your statement was the reason I was wary of reading this. For me burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me, burn me 4 times I quit.

To be fair with Terry he does not always leave them apart or kill Lois but unfortunately for me the first two stories of his I read were She's... and Cold Shoulder. When Death Comes Knocking wasn't bad just did not like him turn Lois into a shooter to get the story. While That One Great Love was violent against Lois to the max, she survived and the Lois/Clark relationship was as strong if not stronger at the end so Terry is capable of writing/finishing it that way. I hope this one ends up on a positive note but time will tell...


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham