Yikes shock thud...Wow--did not see this coming! Please be a small piece of ceiling falling? A light piece of dry wall? Just a lil bump on the head?

Yeah, I'm thinking this could go either way here (based on comments above): Either Clark makes it there in the nick of time, Superman-news is 'out there' pretty quick btw them, Lois is safe, and having a lot more adjusting to everything to do...or...Lois is hurt, Clark feels horrible, and feelings--because of a scary situation--come to light btw them. (Or, just as likely, you have an amazingly fun thought up your sleeve notworthy ).

I really enjoyed the phone calls--and just how much they are talking, too. Thought it all really showed their deep level of friendship that their new relationship is going to be (eventually) based on. The teasing about Clark visiting was awesome. Loved it!

Posting soon? Pretty please? grovel hail hyper

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~