This was beautiful! Lois's feelings and her hopelessness caught my attention right away, but then to see poor Clark with his 'aching scar' on 'rainy days' (beautiful metaphor, by the way!) just broke my heart. They were both so caught up in seeing the wrong things that when Lois finally saw the pen mark, I was inwardly chanting, 'see the right things!' over and over again! smile But I love that she thought it was hopeless, that Clark/Superman didn't love her and Lois Kent was only a baseless fantasy, and how Clark stayed to talk it out with her but then didn't know WHAT to say. And above all, I love that Lois realized the RIGHT things and took a chance -- and that Clark, even after kissing her, was brave enough to address his fear rather than letting her build it. I felt my own heart ache a bit when he asked if they were kissing because he was Superman -- and I was delighted when Lois was so obviously overjoyed to see him as Clark! That had to have assuaged any doubts he might have still held!

I also liked a lot of the little details -- like Clark having to worry about the pen mark the thugs and victim might have seen on him. It's such a small thing, but it COULD connect him to Clark or even just give Superman's reputation trouble, and so he has to consider that. It really hammers in just how much he always has to be aware of and how thin a line he walks all the time. Also, love that keeping Lois safe factors into Clark's major plans as both Superman and Clark Kent!

LOVELY story -- thanks so much for sharing it!