I'm planning on seeing the sequel when it comes out. There are so many possibilities of where they could go after this first film. I'm looking forward to the development of Lois and Clark's relationship, more scenes involving the Daily Planet, and the introduction of Lex Luthor.

They'll probably bring in Lex Luthor, but he's kind of the go-to villain in the Superman movies and, personally, I'm getting bored with him. I'd like to see something / someone new.
I think they should have two different villains like many of the Batman films have done. That way, they could use Lex since he's Superman's most well known enemy while still introducing a villain who we haven't seen before. If they use Lex and another villain, they could have someone paired with him who is more of a physical threat to Superman. After all, I'm sure they'll want to follow up the action scenes with Zod with more action scenes for the sequel.