I really love your videos. notworthy

I don't say much b/c I am not very articulate and have difficulty in varying my responses. I do not want to go to every one and say "wow" and "great job" for fear of sounding fake and redundant. I often wait and if something strikes my fancy - "oh that sounds like it has a different angle of observation, etc...." - then I'll post.

My posts are usually all at once and I feel odd when my name is all over the place. So sometimes I retreat.

I do find myself watching yours over and over again. I play them while I clean the room where my computer resides. I love the old and the new. In fact, I fancy the first version of "At the Beginning" over the newer one b/c I love Lois' stare in the beginning. I think that is one of the first ones I ever watched. The second one is still cool in my opinion - don't worry!

In the one where you feature a song by Sting - I like the slide in shot of Lois at her desk throwing something in her mouth. I love the pairing with that section of the song. I have always fancied that part of the song over the rest. I'm such a dork b/c sometimes I just watch that part.

I really miss the "Eighth World Wonder" one. I do hope it is eighth or I'll feel very pink in the cheeks.

B*itch and Miss Independent ROCK. They make me feel like I can conquer the world. I get that feeling after a really cool marital arts flick (I do martial arts so I kinda get a connection. Oh dear that embarrassing.)

When I saw the Lex/Tempus one - I was like FINALLY. I have been working on a pure Lex one since May. Though only in story board format. I don't know if I can be in the same league as yours.

Reflection made me relieved b/c I wanted a vid for that song. I have one that is 1/4 the way done for the past four months. I've scrapped it. I had an itch and it was scratched.

Crazy for you is cool too. That song I didn't expect, even though it is a fav of mine. Thx.

I have not watched them all though. I don't know why. Hmmmmm.

I guess I should think more highly of my opinion, comments, observations and give it more. I guess my little part does help the whole.

A few I have had trouble viewing b/c my computer says it isn't there to view. I get that white screen with a basic font in the upper right telling me the URL isn't available. I think I e-mailed you about that. Otherwise I have had NO difficulty in accessing your vids. I just wish I never deleted them off my computer. ACK.

I'm in the same boat as you concerning the issue of not getting enough feedback therefor equaling diappointment. I didn't get a lot of feedback on my two (I think two) vids I did. I wasn't too pleased with them and I wanted comments on mine to make it better.

I am too shy to be critical and I often don't have a reason to be when it comes to vids. I think it is all a personal preference.

I have my favourites. But I think I am swayed b/c of the song too. If I can connect with the song and then the clips then I am a happy camper.

You seemed established with your vids so I thought you were a seasoned pro and were just pumping them out and it was difficult for me to get the right words to express my joy over them in an appropriate time frame - sorry. I didn't know you wanted feedback that bad.

(I've been working on this post for 32 minutes - see slow.)

(EDIT - add on 7.)

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.