My first exposure to Superman was the "Super Friends" cartoon. Since I liked the characters in the cartoon so much, I began to explore the other venues where the characters appeared. I got my mom to buy me the first Michael Keaton "Batman" movie and the first Christopher Reeve "Superman" movie so that I could explore the individual adventures of the characters, and soon after, I started taping the "Lois and Clark" reruns off of TNT.

I enjoyed the Reeve movie, but I really fell in love with "Lois and Clark" in a much bigger way. If it hadn't been for that show, I don't know if I'd be such a big fan of Superman today.

Soon after I made my way through all of the "Lois and Clark" episodes, "Smallville" premiered, and I started watching that, too. I liked the show throughout its entire run, but I started to really get into it during its last few seasons when Lois and Clark's romance was explored.

More recently, I've watched all of the Superman movies, the Kirk Alyn serials, "Adventures of Superman" with George Reeves, and the Fleischer cartoons. I also bought the complete Bruce Timm animated series on DVD, which I'm saving to watch this summer. What can I say? I'm hooked.