L&C was my "gateway drug" into the greater Superman-verse, and it is still my favourite take on the characters.

I enjoyed the first two Christopher Reeve movies when I saw them in the theatre, but I hadn't liked them enough to seek out other versions of the characters. Although I did enjoy rewatching the movies as an adult, I wasn't as fond of them as I had been when I first saw them -- I still think Reeve's version of Superman is the best I have seen, but his Clark Kent is painful to watch. (I definitely like Dean Cain's version of Clark the most.) I also detested the kiss-of-forgetfulness, and the "Can You Read my Mind" scene which I had thought so romantic when I first saw it as a teenager just seemed plain cheesy when I rewatched it as an adult.

It was Lois & Clark that gave me enough of an appreciation of the characters to make me seek them out in other media. I've enjoyed several versions of Superman: the Fleischer cartoons, the Kirk Alyn serials, the radio program, the George Reeves TV show, and some of the more modern cartoons.

I actually did manage to sit through the full "It's a Bird..." musical. It was mildly amusing in a cringe-worthy way, although it did take 'amateur' to a whole new depth; I've seen more polished high school productions. (I wouldn't particularly recommend the musical. I only included it in the survey for the sake of thoroughness.)

I've also started reading comic books. I do not like the "New 52" version. I enjoy Golden Age stories as period pieces and Silver Age comics for their sheer silliness. I like the Bronze Age, but my favourite era is the Modern (pre-New-52) Age. I appreciate the Modern Age's continuity and character development.

Lois, Clark, and company have given me many hours of pleasure in all of their various incarnations.
