I have a particular fondness for the Fleischer era cartoons. They were often a bit non-pc when it comes to japanese and germans but I adored Lois not standing there and taking any guff. She would get in there and do what would need to be done as soon as she could rather than letting things take their course.

I started with Superman early. Between the Fleischer cartoons (which we had on a VHS tape) and a series of the comics from the 80s and early 90s that my great uncle (who worked at a printing facility before it was closed and outsourced) gave my grandparents for us to enjoy I pretty much grew up with Superman around. I enjoyed them, don't get me wrong but they other than the Fleischer cartoons Superman didn't take on the level of devotion that it is today until I started trying to get into the fandom with lead-up to Superman Returns. When it was announced that Lois had a son and was married to someone else I dropped that version (SR only) like the plague (didn't even see it in theaters, that's how upset about it I was) and turned to the Reeve movies (which Netflix had online) and "Lois and Clark" (the first three seasons) on thewb.com. When I heard about them relaunching ("oh don't call it a reboot"... except it is) I had hoped that we would see the version of Lois I had remembered from the Bronze and Modern ages of Comics reinterpreted for a new generation and (hopefully) hints towards a new triangle. My hopes of course were dashed with them setting Lois up with someone else at the beginning of Superman #1 but tried to perservere. It didn't happen. Instead, I've been taking the money that would have gone to purchasing new comics and driving it into purchasing Earth-2 Lois and Clark from the late 70s and 80s, Bronze Age Lois stories and "Modern" Age stories (basically the ones that were around during "Lois and Clark."

Boy, was that a long winded answer. Lois and Clark was essential to part of my dating psyche (I think my dating preferences being "only men that dance" back them came from the idea of a partner and colleague being a better boyfriend than someone who was not) but the idea of Lois and Clark being involved was a lot wider than you would expect.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)