I've been wanting to post a reply to this thread since it re-emerged last month, but I was holding my tongue (my keyboard?) until I was able to post the birthday fic for Corrina which I had already written. I can now say that, With Apologies to Female Hawk notwithstanding, I really don't personalize my muse at all. I just refer to her giving me a story (or not) as a way of adding a bit of levity when I wish to say that I have (not) come up with a new story idea.

I have no idea what my muse looks like, and she doesn't converse with me. I don't have that active an imagination. And she doesn't have a name; at least not yet. But one grain of truth in the silly story is that I am leaning toward Thalia as her name. (I am using the Anglicized spelling of the Greek muse's name.)
