mmm... this is hard... I picked answers, but I'm not sure they're right anymore. *lol* I said I didn't know their name - that's still true - but the more I think about my muse, the more I realize I can tell you about their personality. LOL!

First off... My muse is a he - not a she. I don't know why that is, but ever since I started writing L&C fic, I hear a deep male voice in my head, not a woman's. Maybe he chased away the other muse I had? When I wrote fairy tales, a few years ago, it's my mom's voice I used to hear. (it's perfectly logical, trust me!)

This guy likes to show up at the worst possible times. That is, when I don't have anything to write with. And when I need him the most, I think he's probably off romancing someone else's muse. *giggles*

He's most productive in the middle of the night. Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep... But when I manage to be up between midnight and four a.m., we work wonderfully well together and churn out some truly amazing paragraphs. Like Friday night when he decided it was acceptable for him to walk around shirtless and whisper naughty thoughts in my ears. You really ought to see the pectorals on that guy. WOA. And the arms... OMG, the arms! *lol*

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies