Lol - I feel a little bit odd here since I've never checked my reading speed.
I guess it's a little faster than how my friends read due to the fact that my english improved a loooot since I've begun reading fan fics.
Anyway, it's probably pretty slow compared to yours wink

But honestly I don't mind - often I get frustrated when a really good and intriguing story is over so soon frown
I hardly find time to read for several hours - my normal time is about half an hour before forcing myself to sleep and about 15 minutes during my lunch break at work or at university.
I'd really love to curl up in my bed and engross my mind into a great and long (which means 500KB+) story, reading sloooooowly and re-reading every sentence several times wink


"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."

"Looking for love" by DC Lady