I have always read extremely fast. I have always thought of it as a "practice makes perfect" kind of thing. I fell in love with reading around seven or eight and never fell out. Novels, my history textbooks, the back of cereal boxes, whatever, I read (both past and present tense) constantly. When you do a thing that much, it seems to follow that you would be able to do it more quickly than people who don't do said thing that much. But based on Nancy's experiences, that may not be true after all.
Like you said, in my case, that’s not so. Like I said, I’ve been in love with reading since I was three. And I read voraciously. But I can’t read as much as I’d like because I can’t read faster. It's a bummer.

the back of cereal boxes,
Me, too.

Here's a interesting tidbit: When I was a child, my mother punished me on more than one occasion for some infraction by packing up all my books. Other kids had TV taken away. I had my books taken away.
Me, too. I once was reading a book that I just couldn’t put down and I wouldn’t go to bed. My mom came in and turned the light off and took my flashlight. She threatened me with punishment if I turned the light back on. She didn’t take the book, though. Well, my bedroom window was close to street light. I just read the book by the street light. (And that wasn’t so easy because it was far enough away to still be somewhat dark.)

But back to the speed thing - as I have gotten older, I have found that I have a bad habit of skimming, sometimes skipping entire sections.
I sometimes find myself reading the same thing over and over. That’s probably a sign that I’m too tired to be reading.

What’s GWTW?

Like Darcy, I'm well able to picture the scenes or hear the words in my head.
Yes, so am I.

Whenever I'm reading something longer than a few pages, if I'm REALLY tired, sometimes my mind goes off on tangents. I'll be reading (and visualizing) the story, then all of a sudden, I'm visualizing the same characters, only with events I KNOW would not be in the story--basically, I'm "dream reading." And when I shake myself awake, I have to go back to where I started visualizing my own thing, or else I miss part of the story.

Anyone else ever had that happen to you?
Yes, I say that’s where part of the idea of fanfiction came from.

Thanks, guys.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~