I'm just wondering if something of this nature might not be helpful. If a story is rated Nfic, perhaps something at the beginning of the story to designate why it is Nfic would allow those who wish to avoid sexual content to stay away but then also allow others who would read it but assume that it must contain sexual content to see that it does not.
Nice idea, but the problem is that most of us post our stories before we've finished writing them, and we don't write to a strict plan, either. This means we don't know, when we start posting a story, how the content will turn out, so we can't really post a meaningful warning. What I do, usually, is to post warnings at the top of any particularly intense sections of a story. I'll tell you if there's bad language, or extreme violence either implied or explicit. I won't, if I'm posting in the nfic folder, warn you if there's going to be any sexy content because my assumption is that anyone reading in the nfic folder is comfortable with that type of content. I could easily and happily change that practice, though. smile

As Rat said, the attraction of the nfic folder for me these days is that it gives me the freedom to express myself freely without having to worry whether any particular character may or may not overstep the PG limit. My default setting, therefore, is to post in the nfic folder just in case some non-PG content turns up at some point in the story.

That said, having dabbled in sexy scenes and pretty much learned how to write them, these days I find myself disinclined to include them. It's a kind of 'been there, done that' thing. And as someone else said, citing CC's story, the most effective lovemaking scenes are those which contain minimal detail of the mechanics and lots of information about the participants' emotions. IMO. smile
