But logically I know that it might include things that are simply too intense for a younger crowd. For example, a story involving rape that didn't in any way show any of the actual event (had zero sexually explicit content in the entire story) but dealt with the horrifying aftermath might be a bit too intense for a younger audience, thus an "adult theme".
Yes, that makes sense. However there are stories that deal with that particular theme on the archive (e.g. Nightmare on Hyperion), so it doesn't seem that the *intensity* of the theme is a criterion for us on the mbs/archive.

It's really hard to think of a theme that would qualify as an n-fic only theme, given the range of the stories on the archive. So I've been thinking about this. (can you tell this is a slow day for me? laugh )

Anyway finally came up with one - i think - what if Lois were facing problems with orgasm dysfunction? (is it okay if I use that word here?) I do think there it would be necessary to pretty much confine some types (but not all) fics that deal with that theme to the n-fic boards.

Am trying to think of other themes.

Agree about the bizarreness of a rating system that is tougher on explicit sex than on graphic violence. (totally off-topic comment on my part, though:) )
