As a reader, I haven't always been as good as I should be about leaving comments. When I do, though, I always like to see what the author has to say about them. I understand if there isn't time, and I'd rather have the next story post. In general, though, I guess I think of the author's comments response as FDK on my FDK. It makes me feel appreciated to know that what I've said has been of value... Helpful, entertaining, pleasing... something.

So, like just about everyone else, I voted that comments responses are cool, but RL issues are understandable.

From the writer's side of things, I had to vote other. For me, it's not a time constraint that's the issue. My problem is finding stuff to say. I mean, how many times and ways can I say "Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate them." before the words lose all meaning? They're no less true for the repetition, but it certainly feels like they get devalued (if that makes any sense).

What I generally end up doing is giving a blanket thanks to everyone who commented, and then responding to specific things that popped out at me. Sort of a proportional response, I guess, although it doesn't always work that way.

It depends a lot on what the comments have to say, of course. A lot of my stories fall under the "funny, short, and sweet" category, and that tends to provoke comments in the same vein. It can be hard to come up with a good response when half your comments are " rotflol " It's always good to hear you've made people laugh, and that they enjoyed your work, but there isn't much you can really say in response.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.