As a reader and commentor, I like it when the writer checks back with the feedback thread to answer any questions or issues that might have been raised. I don't necessarily expect a response to each individual post, especially if those posts consist of "great part - where's the rest." The only time I really hope that a writer comments on my particular remark is if I've asked a question or have pointed out something. Otherwise, I completely sympathize with the limited time and sometimes limited ways there are to say thanks for feedback. I'd never stop reading a story I was enjoying because the writer couldn't post replies. Heck, there's time when I don't have time to offer feedback.

As a writer, I'm very guilty of not responding to feedback threads because of lack of time. I am trying to do better on that - take the time to answer specific issues and comments. I do so much appreciate the time that readers take to read and comment so I do feel it's the least I can do. Sometimes I might go more in-depth than at others, but all the time I'm appreciative.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah