Okay, I'm guilty. I admit it.

I really think that a writer does have a resonable obligation to respond to the comments that his/her story posts might generate. Generally I ususally just give a blanket 'thanks' to those who've managed to give comments. Especially if those posts are of the 'good part' variety. If a particular question is raised, or something needs clarification I would address those. I don't do the 'copy block' method of bringing up what someone might have said (since I don't know how to do it wink ), but I do try to acknowledge the gist of what they've asked.

Having said this, Lately I haven't been commenting on anything. Including my own comment threads. Leading up to, and through the convention I was quite swamped and had little time for anything not convention related. I was getting a bit miffed at my job for causing me to take time away from the 'stuff' I needed to do for the convention.

Now that the convention is over, I find that I'm way behind in reading, but I hope to get caught up within a few days, then I can get back to a 'normal' commenting routine.

Tank (who isn't even going to get into that 'writing' thing that he's so behind on)