I always check back to a comments folder on a story I'm reading. I enjoy reading what others have thought of a segment and the dialogue between author and readers as much as reading the story itself.

I think most readers will understand if an author is hit by RL and only has time to post a quick "thanks for all the comments, truly appreciate them, sorry I've not got time at the moment to say more". I think many readers understand less an author who never replies to a comment folder at all.

I do know there are many reasons for authors not to reply though. One author, I remember, thought that when he replied to a comments folder it ended the comments and capped off the thread. So he was loathe to do it.

I wonder though. This made me think. We're always hearing from readers saying - is it okay if I add a comment to a fdk thread late in the day? Sometimes readers catch up with stories here on the mbs and post fdk months or even longer after it's been posted. And the answer, of course, is always yes.

So...what's to stop authors doing the same? What's to stop them coming back months later, when RL eases up on them, and posting detailed responses to comments then? A sense that it's too late now? I don't see why it should be, now that this has focused my thoughts on it. If readers can do it - authors should be allowed to, too. goofy I'm sure readers would find it just as relevent and interesting six months later, than at the time of posting.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers