Fresh (well not so fresh<g>) back from my exercise torture machines, and there are more lovely stats!

To refresh <g> your eager minds, I had included these stats for nominated stories submitted in 2002:
by quarters:
1 (Jan, Feb, Mar) -- 18
2 (A,M,J) --14
3 (J,A,S) -- 17
4 (O,N,D) -- 30

And Pam, who lives in a warmer climate plus has kids and so has meaningful life opportunities<g>, has fed us more stats:
Uploads in 2002:
J/F/M -- 79
A/M/J -- 69
J/A/S -- 66
O/N/D -- 86

Now, I've quoted submissions, while Pam has quoted uploads, and so it's not quite legit to compare the two. Not exactly apples and oranges - more like oranges and tangerines, but I can't resist the temptation.

So, taking a giant leap.... percentage of submitted stories nominated by quarter.
J/F/M -- 18/79 (23%)
A/M/J -- 14/69 (20%)
J/A/S -- 17/66 (26%)
O/N/D -- 30/86 ( 35%)

Have I proven that there is life on Mars yet?

Off to take a shower
