It's bloody (is that word ok?) cold outside, there's a wind chill warning in effect, and I refuse to go outside and play in it. So what to do??? None of those sensible things that ought to be done.

But ... statistics!

I went through the nominees from last year and now have more combos of stats than would put an insomniac to sleep.

Here are a few (for the two of you who haven't run screaming from the room at the word 'stats'.)

There were 79 stories nominated last year once you eliminate repeat nominations.

So, you eagerly ask, when were those stories submitted to the archive?? (which is, of course not the same as uploaded. And no, I don't know when they were actually uploaded - but it seems safe to assume they were. smile Although one was not. Stop rolling your eyes, please.)

So back to when:
by quarters:
1 (Jan, Feb, Mar) -- 18
2 (A,M,J) --14
3 (J,A,S) -- 17
4 (O,N,D) -- 30

jan+feb --- 10
nov + dec -- 21

number of winning stories by submission date: (repeats included)
Jan - June -- 4
July - Dec -- 16

So what does all this prove?? That meaningful life is not possible when there's a windchill factor? That i should be making muffins? Catching up on fanfic reading?


I have other statistical combos if anyone is interested. No?