Thanks, Tank, for the good strategy. I was kind of pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to go about doing this. I have not read all of the eligible stories and to be honest, I don't think I will get all of them read before nominations begin and end.

As to Roger's thoughts about being fair and not nominating if you haven't read everything eligible, I have a theory that may or may not be sound. My thoughts are that if I've read a story in the last year that I particularly loved, it is not wrong to nominate it just because I haven't read every story. I mean, if I read twenty stories and loved all twenty, I could technically nominate all twenty, right? So the nominations is more about culling out your own personal favorites rather than selecting the best of the best.

BUT - once the nominations are announced, I would not vote in a specific category unless I had read all of the nominated stories in that category. Kind of like the Oscars - how can you vote for the best movie if you haven't seen all five that are up for the prize so you can compare them? Picking a favorite without reading all of them seems unfair to me.

I hope that is a reasonable plan, otherwise I'd hate to have to abstain from voting. I'm so excited about this whole thing - as CC is well aware, I own many ballgowns and will be picking my favorite to wear on Saturday night.

What? You mean this isn't going to be televised?

Oh. Nevermind.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah