well, i had a blast nominating last year. it was really exciting to be part of the process.

i'd read quite a bit, and i made sure to give a fair shake to every story on the list.

this year, tho, i've missed out on months of fic. i'll never catch up enough to be fair. sure, you can be fair even if you don't read *every* story, but there is a point at which you say "i just haven't read enough."

so, i'm planning to wait for the nominations to come out, then try to read as much as i can (both to enjoy it and so i can vote). if i can vote, i'll be excited to do that. if not, i'll still come to the ceremony. that's always fun. smile

good to hear that timing really doesn't matter, tho. i'll admit i've been a bit worried about my january fics (like last year's "one super date"). i don't write for awards, i don't make decisions based on awards, and i don't expect to win. even so, being nominated is really cool, and i don't want to hurt my chances. i'm trusting that if it was good enough, people will remember it when they review the list, and it's good to hear that that seems to be the way it works.

in any case, lynn, people do still get dressed up for the kerths (or so they say, anyway. wink ). it's fun.

Paul, who will probably be wearing the same tux as last year. hey, if it still fits... wink

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.