ME, the boards have automatic word wrap, so don't use any artificial hard returns; ie if you're saving in plain text, don't do it as text with hard returns. The same goes for sending a story to the archive; those hard-pressed GEs, or more likely our overworked Editor-in-Chief, will have to go through the story to take out all the hard returns. frown

I write in Word, and just copy and paste to the boards, and that seems to work just fine. For sending a story to the archive, I then do a 'save as' into plain text, and that's it. It doesn't matter what font you use in Word, incidentally, because the UBB software converts it all into Verdana. Likewise, formatting such as bold and italics does not carry across onto the boards; you need to use the UBB code or else the handy formatting buttons located below the posting window.

The FAQ isn't complete, by the way; we are working on it (or rather, Meredith is wink ) but we haven't had time to get it all complete and uploaded yet. As such, any suggestions for items which are missing - and this post is an example of that! thumbsup - are very welcome.

Boards Administrator

Just a fly-by! *waves*