I *think* I know what you're asking, but if I'm way off base hopefully someone else will hop in and answer your real question.

I'm thinking you are asking whether to format stories like this:

"I didn't know you liked this song," she said softly, her fingers running through the curls at the nape of his neck.

"I've never heard this song in my life," he replied softly. "I just wanted to dance with you."

Lois sighed and relaxed against him, laying her head on his chest.

He loved this. The feel of her in his arms. The way she relaxed so totally when they danced together. There was no way he could pass up an opportunity like this. He moved his hand in small circles on her back.

Or like this:
"I didn't know you liked this song," she said softly, her fingers running through the curls at the nape of his neck.
"I've never heard this song in my life," he replied softly. "I just wanted to dance with you."
Lois sighed and relaxed against him, laying her head on his chest.
He loved this. The feel of her in his arms. The way she relaxed so totally when they danced together. There was no way he could pass up an opportunity like this. He moved his hand in small circles on her back.

If so, the answer is the first one. It makes it much easier to read both on the boards when you are posting, and once it goes to the archives.

Hope that helps smile


Edit: In posting this, I've discovered that indentations don't show up in posts. So, as you can see, that makes it even harder to read.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen