Props go to cookiesmom for "Chuck" my ALL TIME favorite show (besides LnC, of course) and I continually rave about it to the few friends of mine who actually watch it. smile1

And seriously. I went through this *entire* list and only found ONE person mention "LOST"??? (you know who you are... DC goofy ) I got crazy into that show, and I still have bouts where I get obsessed. Example: all six seasons are sitting on my Netflix queue right now, and I'm about to have a massive marathon of EPIC proportions before the summer season's out (nothing good's on in the summertime anyways)...

And it's old, and it's a reality tv show *cringes to self* but it's really the best of all time: The Mole. If you haven't seen it before, you've missed out. It was an awesome show on ABC, and I'm wishing it would get revived at least for the summer or something. Look it up if you get the chance.

That's pretty much it. Not to say I don't watch most of the other shows mentioned, plus comedy shows like the Office or Friends or Monk or anything like that- but I don't obsess with them like everything else. (Well, maybe I do obsess with Monk).

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain