I'm going to second Dr. Quinn--it's really my mom's favorite show, but I really like watching it too (favorites are definitely the first two seasons, before they switched actresses for Colleen--the second one never felt like a pioneer girl to me--she didn't have the same "feel" and didn't click as well with the other characters, I thought).

But my favorite show would have to be The Pretender. I love the premise, and Jarod and Miss Parker are two awesomely complex characters. Unfortunately there's not as MUCH good fanfic as there is here, but there are a couple of really good authors and one that's simply amazing, so I do enjoy the fanfic there. Although I wish they'd finished the show off, there's been some great fanfic taking off from where it ends, since it leaves things so open, so that's always good. smile

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.