Food for thought indeed, CC! Very... interesting. wink

As for your addition, I like it. At first I thought that, given the crisis she's facing, the destruction of all they'd cared for and everything they knew, she'd say damn ethics and doing the right thing and whatever Superman would have done - these are lives going to be snuffed out. Just as if they'd never existed. And yet... and yet.

But would she be able to hold her head up high - would she be able to face Hank - knowing there was something she could have done? I wonder. So maybe just a thought of the temporal chaos which might result? After all... resurrecting the dead. In a way, Superman did it twice. wink (And, if you count the movie universe, and there's no reason at all why you should, he really did it there. wink ).

So maybe... the thought that messing about with time to that extent could create destruction even worse than that which Tempus's actions are already about to create? I don't know. confused

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*