tbc on Saturday. Thank you for reading.
No, thank you for writing! This story continues to be everything that is wonderful. Do you realise the Saturday thing is almost enough to make me cancel my holiday? Almost... But not quite. wink

I'm with Hazel on the Utopia front. I honestly hated the idea of Utopia as portrayed in the show. It didn't sound like any world I'd want to live in. You've managed to provide a convincing scenario here. The society works, but it is dull and flawed.

You've also managed to humanise Tempus, despite his almost total absence from the drama. He's still a villain, but he's now a sympathetic one. It's easy to see where he's coming from.

Not much action in this part, but the conversation made up for it. I love Lois here. She's come a long way in 16 parts and has accepted her destiny. Her arguments are well reasoned and balanced. Clark has aspirations for a better world; this Lois will temper aspiration with realism, and hopefully the end result will be the better for it. You make the whole idea that perfection isn't good for us seem completely reasonable.

Actually, I'm wondering whether Lois and Clark will go home, forget everything, and still go on to create Utopia... They might not remember their stay, but their influence and / or involvement... or maybe the mere fact of their presence... will lead to the undoing of the worst of that society.

I'm wondering about those bones, too... As much as I'd like to think they belong to Tempus -- you haven't redeemed him enough for me not to be applauding his demise -- I'm not so sure. Have I missed something crucial about the missing person case?

Two parts to go. How on earth are you going to wrap everything up in so short a space?
