Oh wow. Oh my god. I don't know how you do it, CC, but with every new instalment the tension is mounting to an unbearable level. Now I'm on the edge of my seat once more, and frantically scrolling, scrolling, trying to get the screen to scroll down some more to find the rest of the story... and...


...and THERE ISN'T ANY MORE!!! ARGH!!!! cat

Okay, okay. General impressions. I'm with Chris: I'm not convinced those bones are Tempus's. And the fact that no-one's rushing to get them identified is making me even mpre suspicious.

I agree entirely with Chris and Hazel about Utopia. This is not a perfect society by any means. So whatever changes are made can only be for the better. I like Madge's Doomsday scenario thinking - actually, few of those options are truly terrible, except for the disappearance of the Lane-Kents. They just reflect normal life: not always good, sometimes dangerous, sometimes scary, but real. Where people have genuine choices, and make them.

I have to quote this:

Robert Smith. Pretty dull and nondescript. He lived alone, worked quietly at his job as an accounts manager.
This made me laugh out loud. Why? Because in my last job I knew a Robert Smith, and this is him to a T! cat

Just a fly-by! *waves*