Moderator post

As moderator of this forum, I want to state that I agree with Kathy entirely about this:

We're supposed to all respect other people's opinions around here, even when we don't agree with them. Unfortunately not every person posting has lived up to that, but we should still keep trying, don't you think?
During recent weeks, some posts in these threads have indeed gone too far, and - though most members will be completely unaware of this - moderators have intervened to contact some posters privately to let them know that they are close to crossing the line. Just this evening, I contacted two posters (and, just to further illustrate that it is not a one-sided problem, they were posters from both sides of the debate) to ask them to tone down their comments.

Disagree, by all means, but be respectful and courteous. Otherwise expect a warning from moderators and, if you don't take this seriously, potentially a ban.

And, while I'm here, I would just like to thank the vast majority of posters who have remained polite and respectful, who remember the difference between opinion and fact, and who know how to disagree and conduct a friendly debate without leaving a nasty taste in other people's mouths. clap

Boards Administration Team

Just a fly-by! *waves*