As for Bush - there is no evidence of any affairs. If there was, it would be ALL OVER the media who absolutely loathe him.
I absolutely agree that Bush almost certainly - about 99.9999% certain - hasn't had any affairs during his presidency, and quite possibly never during his marriage to Laura. So morality at the White House has improved enormously under Bush.

Whether you can say the same thing about prosperity, peace and America's standing in the world is another matter. But who cares about such things anyway?


P.S. In my opinion, Clinton should not have been made to talk about his affair with Monica Lewinsky under oath. The fact that he was made to speak under oath about this was a huge part of the 'making a mountain out of a molehill' thing, in my opinion.

P.P.S. If Monica Lewinsky had accused Clinton of sexually harassing her, or making her have sex with him against her will, then it would most certainly have been appropriate to make Clinton answer under oath, and if it could be made reasonably certain that he had forced himself on an unwilling, subordinate woman, then I think it would have been perfectly proper to remove him from office and, depending on the strength of the evidence, sentence him to jail. To me, however, an affair between two consenting adults is a completely different ballgame, and it is a concern for Clinton's family, not for America or the world.

P.P.P.S. I'm not trying to speak belittlingly about marital fidelity. I, too, think it was a character flaw of Clinton's that he was so obviously a womanizer. I just don't think it was the kind of character flaw he should have been impeached for, as long as he didn't force or pressure any of his sex partners to have sex with him, and as long as he was successful as a president in so many other ways.