Pam, Newsweek just ran a rather long article (or opinion-piece) about how America is a center-right country. (I might add that Americans are center-right by their own definition, not necessarily by everyone else's.)

All I'm saying is that it looks like Obama will win. Of course the election most certainly isn't over until it's over. If Obama wins, however, I'm going to take that to mean that a majority of the American people thought that Obama was closer to their own position on the right-to-left scale than McCain was. In that case, McCain did indeed run a too conservative campaign to be able to appeal to the majority of the American people. In that case he ran his campaign to win the Republican base, not to win the election. And in that case we will be able to say that he ran his campaign against his better judgement, because it isn't as if the polls haven't warned him for a long time that he's been headed in the wrong direction.

Of course McCain may still win, and in that case the polls will be proved to be wrong and McCain's conservative agenda will be vindicated as a winning strategy. Similarly, if McCain wins, the majority of the American people will have proved itself to be 'rightwards of Obama'. We will see on November the fifth!
