Ann -

He wasn't impeached for the affair.

He was impeached for LYING UNDER OATH - perjury which is a crime - and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE - which is also a crime. Very few of his staunchest supporters will say he didn't do both of those. Whether they met the Constitutional litmus test of 'bribery, treason or high crimes and misdemeanors' [quoted from memory] is the debate.

Clinton having an affair may or may not be relevant as a question of character, however, an affair with as subordinate was stupid if not criminal in the sexual harassment department.

Should the investigation have begun in the first place was irrelevant at that point - whether the investigation was appropriate or not, lying under oath and obstruction of justice is unacceptable. Roger may remember specifics - but he was temporarily disbarred over it iirc.

As for Bush - there is no evidence of any affairs. If there was, it would be ALL OVER the media who absolutely loathe him. And the National Enquirer's reports on him and Condi don't count...
