You even said yourself that Obama was sounding conservative.
No, I said that Obama sounded more conservative when he was trying to appeal to independents in order to win the election than he had done during the primaries, when he was trying to appeal to Democrats only.

And Roger, you said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but for some reason President Bush wouldn't tell the world about it. Now you say that the financial meltdown was all the Democrats' faults, but for some reason McCain wouldn't tell voters about it. And maybe that is why so many people disapprove of President Bush and wouldn't vote for Senator McCain. If so, top Republicans are severely challenged when it comes to letting reality speak for itself in favor of the GOP.

But then again, maybe there would have been too many protesting voices if Bush and McCain had tried to make the points you suggest. Maybe these dissenters would have shown too many graphs and scientific papers to show that reality just isn't as obliging to Republicans as you think the Republicans should say it is. And maybe they'd all be a bunch of lying liberals who have bought up all the media, but maybe, just maybe, they actually have a point.

And maybe the independents in this year's election simply thought that McCain was too conservative for them, not least because of his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate. I, too, remember that McCain soared in the polls immediately after Sarah Palin was introduced, because she is a highly skilled and charismatic orator and she made a great first impression. But maybe, as the American people got to know her better, a majority found her too conservative and also not knowledgeable enough to become America's president in case of McCain's death.

But you and I have different opinions as usual, Roger, and little is gained if we keep repeating them. wink I just felt obliged to reply to you since you said that I had described Obama as someone who sounds conservative, which is a distortion of what I have said. Obama is certainly conservative by Swedish standards, but I really don't think that a majority of Americans think of him that way. However, if you want to reply and buttress your arguments I'll try not to respond, as long as I feel that you aren't distorting my own arguments. Because I really don't have much to add.
