A movie needs to have more action and excitement to draw in the general audience.
You cant' do the Lois and Clark/Superman love story in one movie.
I'm veering off topic here, but to be honest, I can't recall one hero movie which to my mind has carried forth a convincing love story. Don't get me wrong, the love story is always there for these superhero movies, but it's a vapid tack-on. It seems to me that "action and excitement" are to the detriment of fleshing out the relationship and presenting the women as more than just damsels in distress/ magic plot propellers. Even Donner's films are open to this sort of critique. I don't see a way around that without striking a blow to the foundation of these superhero myths in the first place.

So in this I don't blame the Superman franchise so much as the male-centered superhero genre and its conventions.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan