From the outset, I'm not at all opposed to the idea of making Superman darker (and even edgier wink ).

I think that every good fictional character has a potential for complexity and multi-layered explorations - and I think it could be especially interesting to re-boot a franchise which has been so clear-cut and straightforward in many respects (and so painfully bland in its last outing on the big screen).

There are several interesting starting points for Superman to develop a darker side.

Firstly, there's the whole Spidey "with great power comes great responsibility" thing.

Then, there's the outcast to society angle, him never belonging, maybe thinking that he's a freak of nature or being detested/feared/etc. by others.

Also, his inherent reflex to blame himself for everything he *cannot* do (quite often explored in this fandom, for example), could be used to make him darker, more self-reflexive, e.g. if he loses someone he really loves or can't prevent some horrible disaster.

And, if you decide to set the film in a quasi post-apocalyptic society (either simply post 9/11, similar to what they did in the Batman reboot or on a grander scale), pretty much all bets are off. You could have a lot of darkness, brooding, self-accusation spring from that need to always do the right thing and help everybody.

In my opinion, it really all depends on how they decide to handle the source material: how much does CK/S know about his origins, about the source of his powers; who knows what about him; how do people who know react; what is the world like he has to live and act in; are there other Superheroes and how are they treated and perceived; who are his adversaries and what are their goals and their ways of fighting?

If done well, I think a darker reboot could add a lot to the myth and help make it accessible and intriguing for new audiences and longtime fans alike.

And let's face it, after the disaster that was Superman Returns, fans can be called lucky that there will be another movie at all.

What does make me wary, though, is the fact that the reboot idea seems to stem solely from the wish to emulate the success of Chris Nolan's Batman.

I really hope that they'll hold out for a great script this time - and that they'll take the time and effort to find a great cast. I do believe that a great part of Batman's recent success is due to the fact that those films are so well cast.

In any case, it will be interesting to see how and when the new movie will crystallise. In the meantime, I'm also really looking forward to Watchmen smile

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