I hate when movie producers decide to jump on whatever bandwagon is en vogue at the moment and don't mind totally screwing up established characters by doing so. They did it with Smallville when they decided they wanted to get on the angsty teenage dramas such as Dawson's Creek and the like. If they decide to make Superman darker just because that's what worked for Batman, I'd resent it. I loved the last two Batman movies, especially TDK, but I don't want a dark, pessimistic, brooding, lonely Superman. I want him to be about hope and about inspiring people. That's what's always separated him from Batman and other superheroes.

My 2 cents.

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa